You’ve probably heard about your friends’ smoothie recipes, and the new liquid diets. Making your own smoothies at home has become a huge craze, for people who want to lose weight as well as those looking to add more fruits and vegetables to their diets for health.

Documentaries like Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead have covered the amazing results that this type of diet can give, as well as their positive effects on the overall health of a person… the benefits go well beyond weight loss.

What’s so great about smoothies? Here are just a few reasons why you might want to jump on this bandwagon:

- Breaking down vegetables into smoothies actually allows you body to absorb more of their nutrients than consuming them as solids does.
- Sticking to a smoothie plan can help cut your cravings: fruit juices make a great substitute for traditional desserts.
- For anyone just starting a weight loss plan, smoothies can be an excellent jump start for your body. After just a few days, you’ll find that cravings for the foods you’re trying to avoid will be much less.
- Smoothies taste great! You can get a variety of flavors into your daily regimen if you have enough recipes.

Get started with the smoothie lifestyle by entering your name and email below.  Weight Loss Village has done most of the work for you!  We’ve compiled over 100 of the absolute best smoothie recipes we could find and put them into Simply Smoothies eBook!