Goal setting in an important part of your quest to loose weight but it is also important that your goals be realistic. For example setting a goal to lose twenty pounds in 2 months may leave you disappointed. However, when you set the goal to lose 2 pounds a week over a ten week period you will be able to achieve continual milestones.

The popularity of goal setting is in fact evidence that  it really does work since it thrives and remains an important step in pursuing and reaching weight loss and other goals for the following reasons:

1.    Goal setting requires establishing definite and achievable objectives.
2.    Setting goals strengthens your plans. The more concrete your goals are to you, the more motivated you are to achieve them.
3.    Goal setting is like your personal agreement with yourself.  We all know it’s easier to break agreements we make to ourselves than to others since but if you let goal setting be a test to your personal integrity you will see a change. How can you keep your word to others if you cannot keep a promise you make to yourself?
4.    Goal setting is a powerful tool to help you master your own future.
5.    Goals made today determine the actions you need to take today that will affect your situation tomorrow.
6.    When you specify your goals you determine where to focus your resources and efforts.
7.    Goal setting is like a blueprint that shows you what to do and how to do it.
8.     Be clear about you goals.  It helps eliminate distractions that can disrupt your progress.

Ask.   Write.   Review.
Ask yourself what are my goals?   Write down your responses.   Review them each day.
When you do not write down your goals they are merely a wish – not a goal. 

Decide exactly what you want to achieve, how long do you want to work to achieve it and what would you do to achieve your goal?  It is important your goals be what you want and never what you do not want

REMINDER:  Goal setting should not be mistaken with a declaration of your personal dreams and desires. You’ll not be able to find fault with the results of your goal setting if you think you can get to the moon with an old broken down rusty car without gas.
Goal setting with positive results requires you consider each of the steps (small and big) that make up the journey from who and where you are today to who and where you are to be tomorrow.-

Here is a recap on the secrets for reaching your goals through goal setting:
1. Decide what you want.
2. Clearly specify your goals. Think about how you will get what you want.
3. Develop a clear step by step action plan including a way to monitor your progress.
4. Keep your goals realistic and regularly revisit them and adjust them if need be.

It’s Worth It!
Decide on your goals, stick with them and see them through to the very end,  Once you get to where you want to be you’ll see that every step of the journey was worth it!!!